MMC: 9 mercenaries killed; 11 others were injured in repelling their attacks

The Manbij Military Council confirmed the killing of 9 Turkish occupation mercenaries and the wounding of 11 others as its forces responded to their attacks on the Manbij countryside.

MMC: 9 mercenaries killed; 11 others were injured in repelling their attacks
7 September 2023   14:00

The Media Center of the Manbij Military Council published a statement about the attacks of the occupation and its mercenaries and the response by its forces to them.

In the statement, the Council announced the killing of 9 mercenaries and the wounding of 11 others, in addition to the seizure of a quantity of weapons and ammunition

The statement read:

For several days, the northern and western countryside of the city of Manbij has been subjected to intense attacks by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries, which coincided with the launch of the Syrian Democratic Forces operation “Security Enhancement” in the Deir ez-Zor countryside.

From yesterday until the morning hours of Thursday, the occupation mercenaries launched successive attacks along the Al-Sajur line, targeting civilian homes and military points of our forces, the forces of the Manbij Military Council. They used heavy weapons in the attacks, as their attacks focused on the village of “Arab Hassan.”

However, our fighters responded to all the attacks, were able to thwart them all, and inflicted heavy losses on the ranks of the mercenaries. At least 9 mercenaries were killed, and 11 others were wounded, while our forces seized a quantity of weapons and ammunition, and the rest of the mercenaries fled.

We pledge to our people to take revenge and respond to the attacks of the occupation and its mercenaries with all our strength. We also assure our people to continue to defend our regions, preserve their security and stability, and defeat all attacks launched by the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries.

The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries are seeking to extend a helping hand to the mercenaries of the terrorist organization ISIS, as mercenaries have appeared bearing the insignia of the terrorist organization. It also aims to obstruct the process of “Security Enhancement,” by launching attacks along areas of contact with our forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces in Manbij and Ain. Issa, Tal Tamr and Zarghan. However, all the attacks were defeated, and the occupation and its mercenaries did not achieve any progress, but suffered heavy losses.”

T/ Satt.