European lawmakers,  politicians affirm their support for July 19 revolution

European parliamentarians and politicians affirmed, during a ceremony held in Brussels, their support and solidarity with the July 19 revolution.

European lawmakers,  politicians affirm their support for July 19 revolution
19 July 2023   14:39

The representative of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria in Belgium held a ceremony on the 11th anniversary of the July 19 revolution, at its headquarters in the capital, Brussels on Tuesday. It was attended by a group of European parliamentarians, politicians, public figures, and the Kurdish, Arab, and Syriac communities.

The opening speech was delivered by the representative of the Autonomous Administration in Europe, Abd al-Karim Omar, where he gave a brief overview of the beginnings of the July 19 revolution and its most prominent stages in the past years.

Omar noted that this revolution was able, despite all the difficulties and challenges to be a unique model of coexistence among the components of the region, adding that the involvement of all these components in the Autonomous Administration project and its fair representation within its institutions and bodies is clear evidence of their rallying around this experience.

He also touched on the war waged by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) against ISIS mercenaries, and the great sacrifices made by thousands of SDF fighters, noting that the threat of ISIS is still present, and threatens not only the regions of NE Syria, but also Europe and the whole world.

In the conclusion of his speech, Abdul Karim drew attention to the continuous Turkish threats, stressing that the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries continue their attacks on a daily basis in the regions of NE Syria, causing casualties among citizens, and called on European governments to put an end to the Turkish killing machine, stressing at the same time the importance that the agreements and deals concluded by European countries with the Turkish regime not be at the expense of the components of NE  Syria, in reference to the recent agreements concluded by Turkey with Finland and Sweden.

"We look forward to more cooperation from European governments."

After that, a speech was delivered on behalf of the Syriac component by Gabriel Issa, who referred to the importance of the July 19 revolution to the components of the region, and said that all these components were involved from the beginning in the revolution because they found in their slogans and the ideas that they called for the best representation of their rights and legitimate demands.

He noted that the components of the region fought against "terrorist organizations that tried in various ways and means to impose their extremist ideologies.

Issa added that they look forward to more cooperation and assistance from European governments to support this democratic experiment that seeks to be a model of coexistence and works to ensure and consolidate the rights of all ethnic and religious components.

July 19 seeks to turn the page on years of injustice and persecution

A speech was also delivered on behalf of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), by Farouk Doro, in which he expressed their support and solidarity with the July 19 revolution, and said that the involvement of all components of NE Syria is evidence that it is a real and radical revolution which seeks to turn the page on years of injustice and persecution that has been practiced  by authoritarian and repressive regimes.

We reject any understandings between our country and Turkey at the expense of the Kurds

After that, Avin Enger, the member of the European Parliament for the Swedish Social Democratic Party conveyed the support and solidarity of the Swedish people with the July 19 revolution, then touched on the recent rapprochement between Ankara and Stockholm, against the backdrop of the latter's efforts to join NATO, stressing They in the Social Democratic Party, along with many other Swedish parties, were and still are on their firm position in support of the Autonomous Administration, and they categorically reject any understandings between their country and Turkey at the expense of the Kurdish people and their legitimate aspirations to live in freedom and peace.

She emphasized that they have repeatedly expressed their strong condemnation of the repeated Turkish attacks on the Autonomous Administration areas, which threaten security and stability, and cause casualties, and once again called on European governments to take action to curb Turkish violations.

Parliamentarians affirm their support for the July 19 revolution

Francis Alfonso, the member of the European Parliament for the French Green Party, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, independent member of the European Parliament, Jurgen Clotte, member of the European Parliament and former president of the Group of Friends of the Kurdish People in Parliament.

All of these people expressed their support and solidarity with the July 19 revolution, stressing that they have closely followed this revolution and the gains it achieved for the people of the region.


They emphasized that," there are many challenges and difficulties that still stand in the way of this experience, stressing that they will spare no effort to mobilize all possible forms of support and assistance for the Autonomous Administration to overcome these challenges.

The European parliamentarians praised the sacrifices made by the Syrian Democratic Forces to fight ISIS and other "terrorist organizations", noting that the world owes these forces, which were able to spare the region and the world more crimes and atrocities.

The European parliamentarians also referred to Turkey's threats and continuous attacks on NE Syria, stressing that the violations and threats of the Turkish regime aimed at undermining this democratic experience, as it gives "terrorist organizations" the opportunity to re-emerge, and therefore It is imperative for the international powers to carry out their tasks and responsibilities to prevent the "terrorist threat" from escalating in these areas again, by pressuring the Turkish regime to stop its threats, and at the same time supporting the Autonomous Administration.
