Al-Qaftan: Turkey has colonial projects, world must support region's stability

Ibrahim al-Qaftan said that the Justice and Development Party(AKP) wants to expand the area it occupies. He called on the world to participate in fighting terrorism in ensuring security and stability in the region.

Al-Qaftan: Turkey has colonial projects, world must support region's stability
20 April 2019   03:05

ANHA has conducted an interview with the head of the Future Syria Party(FSP), Ibrahim al-Qaftan, to talk about the goals that Turkey is seeking by raising the issue of the buffer zone again and the relationship of statements to the deterioration of its economy.

At the beginning of his speech, al-Qaftan said that Turkey's insistence on the issue of the buffer zone "because it is aware that its association with the United States repeatedly fails to achieve this project."

"Turkey does not want a buffer zone as it claims and has many goals and objectives, the people of the region do not pose any threat to its security, but want to not implement the project of the democratic nation applied in the north and east of Syria, and that there are central regimes prevail in the region as in Turkey".

In the same context al-Qaftan said "If Turkey wants a buffer zone, why not achieve it in its territory, and if its goal is to restore chaos to the region, as happened in Afrin, Idlib and other cities it occupies, it cannot live in a stable situation if there is stability in the neighboring countries, actually Turkey wants to export its internal problems, crisis to the neighboring countries. "

Al-Qaftan wished Turkey must know that the components of the north and east of Syria maintain a good neighborly relationship and have good relations with them and contribute to building the future of Syria.

Al-Qaftan added, "Turkey is still acting like the Ottoman state and wants to return the Ottoman hegemony to this region, and it wants to occupy more land in Syria, to rebuild the Ottoman Empire."

"The Syrian government should support its people" and not make Turkey a pressure card on the people of Syria, it must protect this region, not be a face of colonization and the return of central regime, "he continued.

The head of FSP said that SDF, the Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) and the sons of northern and eastern Syria consider the need for the world to participate in the fight against terrorism.

"SDF fought terrorism on behalf of the whole world," he added.

"The AKP wants to expand the region it occupies and to re-establish chaos," he said, adding that the world must take part in fighting terrorism and supporting security and stability in the region, especially the Syrian regime, Russia and European countries so that terrorism does not expand all over the world ."

"If the chaos does  not end, the Turkish state will not be immune to chaos," he said, adding that the good example is "The Turkish elections, in which the AKP lost three Turkish provinces, you know that the democratic process will be welcomed by the people. "

"The first to complicate the Syrian issue is Turkey and wants the region to remain in chaos, which will not be good for Turkey, so it should reconsider that," he said.

Al-Qaftan noted in the same context and pointed out that "Turkey did not rely on one the economy, but mainly relied on the issue of Syrian refugees, the migration from Syria has increased the development of the Turkish economy and used the aid under the pretext of Syrian refugees and consider the refugees as an economic bloc, and the evidence of this is its threat to European countries to open the door to immigration if not paid the dues of refugees to enforce its deteriorating economy "


Al-Qaftan called on the refugees to return to their home to build the country again and to be the owner of the project and to be a pressure card on the other countries.

Al-Qaftan said that the people of Syria must ensure the safety and the security of their country, because no one has the right to intervene under any pretexts in the Syrian affairs if there is  a need to establish a buffer zone, the people of Syria has the right to establish such buffer zone and ensure the security and stability."