Yazidi Liberated women: Many women are still in IS hands

The Yazidi women liberated by the Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) with 150 other civilians of IS mercenaries in Deir ez-Zor said hundreds of Yazidis were still in the hands of mercenaries, calling on the Syrian Democratic Forces to free them as well and to return them to their relatives in Şengal.

Yazidi Liberated women: Many women are still in IS hands
Yazidi Liberated women: Many women are still in IS hands
Yazidi Liberated women: Many women are still in IS hands
1 February 2019   08:02


As part of the latest phase of a-Jazeera Tempest campaign to eliminate the last stronghold of IS mercenaries in Deir ez-Zor, the Syrian Democratic Forces(SDF) managed to liberate 150 civilians, including three Yazidi women from Şengal, after opening a safe passage for them.

The three Yazidi women who were freed by the Syrian Democratic Forces were Maqbola Kheder Bajo, Rania Jalal, and Behar Beder, both from the villages of Zorafa and Tel Qasab in Şengal district. The forces were also able to liberate Yazidi Nadia Farhan Saleh.

The stories of the Yazidis women are similar to the suffering they have endured and the injustice they have endured for years in the hands of mercenaries after their abduction from their villages in Şengal following the attack of 3 August 2014.

This is what has happened to the Yazidis, as well as many other immoral practices, forcing them to convert to Islam and beating them constantly.

Nadia Farhan Saleh 19-year-old says she was abducted from Şengal with her sister and from there transferred with others to Tal Afar, where she was taken away from her sister, who knows nothing about her except that she was sold to a mercenary.

Nadia transferred to the city of al-Raqqa in Syria to begin a journey of suffering and injustice, from a-Raqqa towards Deir ez-Zor and then al-Bagouz, Syrian Democratic Forces during the battle to defeat terrorism managed to liberate her , Nadia said, "After I heard about the advance of SDF fighters, I was prepared to get rid of the mercenaries, so I waited for them."

Nadia called on Syria's Democratic Forces to deliver them to their relatives in Şengal.

The liberated women said that in the area under IS control,  there are dozens of Yazidi women, they called the Syrian Democratic Forces to liberate them.