Free Women Union discussed developments in area

The Free Women Union in al-Shahba held a meeting and discussed the latest developments in the area.

Free Women Union discussed developments in area
2 September 2018   13:34


The meeting which was held in ​​Fafin district of al-Shahba was attended by dozens of administrators and members of the civil institutions, the councils and districts, as well as the administrator in the Free Women Union in al- Shahba canton Rehab Jebbu, the deputy of the co-chairs of al-Shahba Canton Council Fadhia Qassem and the co-chair of al-Shahba Canton Council Wafa Hussein.

The meeting began with holding a minute of silence, after which the co-chair of al-Shahba Canton Council Wafa Hussein pointed out that the aim of the meeting was to consider the political situation and the status of women and discuss the status of women in al-Shahba in general.

Where Fadhia Qassem noted that after the Turkish occupation of Afrin, talks have been held about Idlib city and the operation of controlling it by many countries.

Hussein added, "The Turkish and Russian sides are exchanging statements on Idlib. The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said that they cannot control or protect the terrorist gangs in Idlib. The regime will not accept to hold negotiations with the opposition gangs because they controlled most of the areas under its control."

Fadhia noted that Erdogan said to the media that Aleppo was a red line for him, but the regime regained control of all of Aleppo in return for allowing them to occupy Jarablos, al-Bab and Azaz.

After that, the participants discussed the mechanism of the organizational work for the Free Women Union, and the decisions issued by the conference, including the opening of special training courses for the Free Women Union.

Furthermore, the discussion was opened to the attendees to discuss the status of women in al-Shahba canton.