Words ,events contiuing to emphasizes to victory of fraternity of peoples 

Newroz activity is still continuing in al-Hasakah canton which has just started with the co –chair of al Hasakah canton Samar al-Abdullah and co-chair of the Foreign Relations Body Siham Qario Kalim. 

Words ,events contiuing to emphasizes to victory of fraternity of peoples 
21 March 2018   10:35

The co-chair of al-Hasakah canton Samar al-Abdullah said that "Newroz is the symbol of resurrection, resistance and freedom. Newroz is going through the eyes of the people on Afrin, which is being subjected to the worst crimes by an occupying state that violates all international laws".

Samar said that "our people from Afrin did not get the voices of the defender and resisted and fought was glorifying the martyrs and singing to them at the time of mercenaries ended stealing and looting  civilians 's properties ."

Samar noted that the martyrs of "Resistance of the Age" have become a symbol of resistance and struggle and proved that they are stronger than" NATO" weapons, "Resistance to the Age" will continue with all its strength, and added "on the land of Afrin mixed the blood of peoples who refused submission and humiliation to the tyrannical regimes."

Samar said at the end of her speech that what is happening in Afrin is an international conspiracy against the entire Syrian people not only on the Kurdish people. "All countries that call for democracy must show their position on this occupation that targets the fraternity of peoples and Co-existence."

The co-chair of the External Relations Body in Democratic Autonomous Adiminstration (DAA) Siham Qariou blessed Newroz 's solutions to all peoples

Siham pointed out that history has shown that the will of the peoples who have chosen the co-existance and  fraternity is invincible, but the rulers of darkness have committed suicide against the will of the people.

Siham noted that Newroz  is a new revival in the history of freedom and salvation from tyrannical regimes. "Two months have passed since the resistance of the people and the fighters before the terrorist invasion, which wants to occupy and cut off part of Syrian territories ."

"Afrin city  was a model of co-existence and a model for embracing displaced people, which the Turkish regime has taken upon itself to achieve its ambition for occupation, and to gather gangs and terrorists around it amid international and international silence," .

At ended her speech said "We, as a Syriac people, have suffered from the Turkish regime, and we have committed many massacres and history that are being renewed today in Afrin, where Erdogan, the Ottoman ancestors, is committing massacres against all peoples,"

Newroz 's activity in al-Hasakah continues to present revolutionary and folkloric songs by the Tolhildan belong to Khabor Center for Culture and Art.
