Hawar news agency plan ANHA 7-23-2023

Hawar news agency plan ANHA 7-23-2023
22 July 2023   20:00

I felt from the depths of the need to delve into practical, tangible solutions more, the more I realized the importance of the role played by the terms power and state in Turkish-Kurdish relations, which are among the terms that I explored the most and delved into within Imrali. So, I realized the necessity of returning the procedures of the authority and the state in general and their period within the Turkish-Kurdish relations in particular (which extends to almost a thousand years) to the era of the Hittites (attached with pictures).

Women from Aleppo and Kobani affirmed that what the leader Abdullah Ocalan built is impossible to demolish, no matter how hard Turkey and the countries conspiring with it try, saying: "The leader presented the right and sound thought to his people, and this is what made the people adhere to it, and accept no alternative other than their freedom" (attached with photos and videos).

Iraqi researcher Jawad Al-Baydani confirmed that the Treaty of Lausanne divided countries on the basis of economic interest and political weakening, noting that the leader Abdullah Ocalan touched on the issues and crises that the people of the region suffer from and provided solutions to them, and called for unity among the components on the basis of respect and common interests (attached with pictures).

The United Nations, its representatives and its affiliated international organizations prove once again that they are unable to evaluate the files and issues that carry importance and danger to all countries of the world, the most prominent of which is the file of the families of foreign ISIS mercenaries present in North and East Syria, as despite the international community's failure to address this file, a United Nations representative denounced the separation of children from their mothers, without taking into account the seriousness of that. What are the goals of the Autonomous Administration in separating them from each other? (Attached with pictures).

At a time when Arab newspapers saw that Erdogan searched for a solution to his economic crises in the Gulf, they also indicated that he became confused between East and West, while the grain agreement is expected to remain pending until the next Putin-Erdogan meeting and the end of the Russian-African summit, amid indications of an increasing level of escalation (attached with pictures).

The Ministry of the Displaced in the Lebanese caretaker government considered that the decision of the European Parliament aimed at keeping the Syrian refugees in Lebanon portrays Lebanon as a "colony in the European Union"? What is behind this dissatisfaction with the European decision? What is the fate of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon? Isn't the Autonomous Administration initiative, which declared its readiness to receive them, a solution to this file? (Attached with photos).

The Young Women's Union in the city of Manbih is organizing a demonstration to demand the physical freedom of leader Abdullah Ocalan, and it will start from Al-Mizan Roundabout at 9:30 (attached with photos and videos).

The Council of Martyrs' Families in the city of Al-Hasakah sets up a condolence tent for the martyr Muhammad Abdel Aziz, a fighter in the ranks of the People's Defense Forces, at 10:00 (attached with photos and videos).

Under the slogan "We are the hope of tomorrow", the fourth Baraem Childhood Festival will be launched in the Al-Taj Hall at the southern end of the city of Raqqa, at 10:00 (attached with photos and videos).

The people’s municipalities in the districts of Dêrik, Amuda, and Cal Agha of Qamishlo canton hold separate meetings for the people with the participation of service institutions to read their reports of service work within 3 months and listen to the complaints of the people, in the Dijla Center for Culture and Art in Derik, and in the hall of the Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Jal Agha, and the Hori Center for Culture and Art in Amud, at 10:00 (attached with photos and video).

The Women's Council of the Future Syria Party is holding a public meeting in the Legislative Council hall in Tabqa city to discuss the latest political developments and the role of women in society, at 10:00 (attached with photos and videos).