Hawar news agency center’s daily 06-03-2021

Hawar news agency center’s daily 06-03-2021
6 March 2021   03:51

The Administrator of the Intellectuals Union in Al-Jazira region, Azhar Ahmed, said that the opening of a Turkish cultural center in Afrin comes within the framework of seeking to obliterate the culture of the peoples of the region, calling on the peoples of the region to protest against the efforts to change the demographics of the region and obliterate its civilization (attached with photos and video).


Women have been struggling and resisting since 1908 to achieve the freedom revolution with the vanguard of free women in the world, with a spirit of sacrifice and great enthusiasm, and they have become a heroine within the pages of history, as (Hevrin Khalaf, Zahra Berkel, Mother Aqidah, Hind Al-Khedr, Saada Al-Hermas, Barin Kobani, and Amara Renas,) became the heroines of the resistance within the Rojava Revolution (attached with photos and video).

The people of Aleppo emphasized that the leader's philosophy has a great role in changing the mentality of society and women's access to their rights, stressing the need to fight masculine mentality and implant equality between the two genders within their children (attached with photos and video).


Politicians stressed the need for international recognition of the Autonomous Administration to deter the attacks and threats against it, and explained that the international silence regarding the attacks on north-east Syria stems from a common international interest to eliminate it (attached with photos and video).

The Co-chair of the Legislative Council for Democratic Civil Administration in the city of Manbij and its countryside, Mohamed Ali Al-Ebbo, said that the "Russian guarantor" should play the essential role for which it was found in the areas of north-east Syria, which is to ensure security and safety, and called on the international community to assume full responsibility for the lack of water of the Euphrates River (attached with photos and video).

The Member of the Central Committee of the Kurdish Left Party in Syria denounced the reception of the Coalition delegation by the Hewlêr government, explaining that “the Başûr government, its personalities and ENKS must know that they sat with their enemies and the enemies of the Kurdish people,” stressing that their silence about the terrorist attack on the Kurdish people confirms their partnership (attached with photos and video).