Arab coalition announces the interception of a missile fired at Saudi Arabia

Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia in support of the government of Yemen announced, Saturday, the interception and destruction of a missile launched by the Ansar Allah al-Houthi group at Saudi Arabia.

Arab coalition announces the interception of a missile fired at Saudi Arabia
23 January 2021   09:24

The Arab coalition said that Saudi air defenses intercepted and destroyed a missile launched by the Ansar Allah al-Houthi group towards Riyadh.

On Friday, the coalition announced that it had intercepted and destroyed a booby-trapped boat in the south of the Red Sea.

In the context, a week ago, the coalition announced the interception and destruction of 3 booby-trapped UAVs launched towards Saudi Arabia by the Houthis. He cautioned at the time that Hodeidah had become the launching point for UAVs bombing and hostile attacks.

The American magazine Newsweek reported in a report that Iran several days ago deployed "Shahid-136" UAVs, also called "suicide aircraft", in Al-Jawf governorate, north of Yemen.