Fires ... targets civilians' livelihood

The fabricated fires by the Turkish occupation and the SNA mercenaries have reached the homes of civilians in the countryside of Tel Tamr. Civilians have confirmed that the occupation aims at weakening people, displace them and fight them in their livelihood.

Fires ... targets civilians' livelihood
14 June 2020   10:40
Al-Hasakeh - Diyar Ahmed

The Turkish occupation army and the mercenaries of the so-called "Syrian National Army" continue their violations against defenseless civilians in the villages in the countryside of Tel Tamr, targeting their livelihood, in addition to burning their homes.

Al-Tawila village located to the west of Tal Tamr district in Al-Hasakeh, near the international road / M4 /  witnessed  today the burning agricultural fields and civilians' homes, due to the setting fires by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries in agricultural fields in the village of Arisha, which is under the control of the occupation northwest of Tawila, a short distance away.

The camera of our news agency, "Hawar", went to Al-Tawila village to observe the fabricated fires, and met a civilian in the village.

Khaled Suleiman, from  Al-Tawila village, says that with the approaching harvest season, the Turkish occupation army and the mercenary factions began targeting the agricultural fields in the areas it occupied in northeast of Syria and the countryside of Tel Tamr recently.
Suleiman indicated that the agricultural fields are connected to each other, in the event of a fire, it will expand immediately due to the strong winds.

The goal is to displace the people and target their livelihood

Suleiman pointed out that the Turkish occupation fights civilians in various ways, through which it aims to displace people and to influence their livelihood by setting fire to the source of their livelihood.

He added, "The homes of civilians have also become the target of the fabricated fires by the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries. In the village of Al-Tawila there are more than 10 houses destroyed by occupation shells and artificial fire."

We will defend our land.

In the context of his speech, Suleiman confirmed, saying, "We are the owners of the land and believe in our military forces, our cohesion and unity.  We will defend our land.

The Turkish occupation and its mercenaries are the ones who attacked our cities and regions and will resist until the restoration of our occupied areas."

And with the outbreak of fires in the village, firefighting teams of Al-Shaab Municipality intervened in Tal Tamr district, and with the help of the residents, they were able to control the fires and prevent their expansion.

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