Al Kait :Finnish Foreign Minister confirmed support to form special court to try ISIS mercenaries

Fener al-Kait confirmed that the Finnish Foreign Ministry supported formation of a special court to try ISIS mercenaries and stressed the continued diplomatic communication between the two sides during the first official visit to the Autonomous Administration.

Al Kait :Finnish Foreign Minister confirmed support to form special court to try ISIS mercenaries
6 February 2020   03:14
Qamishlo – Sima Beroki – Akram Barakat

  A delegation from the Autonomous Administration of the North and East of Syria visited Finland. The delegation included the Co-Head of the Foreign Relations Department in the Autonomous Administration of the North and East of Syria, Abdul Karim Omar, the Co-Head of the Executive Council of Al Jazeera Region, Nazira Gaweria, vice of the Co-Head of the Foreign Relations Department, Fener al-Kait, and the representative of the Autonomous Administration of Scandinavia, Shiyar Ali.

 "The delegation of the Autonomous Administration, visited Finland on an official invitation from the Finnish government to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Vice-President of the Foreign Relations Department Fener el-Kait told ANHA. 

Al-Kait noted that the delegation of the Autonomous Administration  was received by the Finnish Foreign Minister, Becca Havisto at the Foreign Ministry,: "The meeting lasted more than an hour and a half."

Al-Kait noted that during the meeting, the two sides discussed several political, military, economic and humanitarian fields, and ways to find a solution for Syria in general, and the situation in northeastern Syria in particular.

As for the most prominent discussions between the two sides, al-Kait explained that "The Foreign Minister of Finland initially thanked the efforts of the Autonomous Administration and the SDF in fighting terrorism and making security and stability in the areas of northeastern Syria, and their defense of the world and human values."

He said: "We also explained the situation of the Autonomous Administration, the Turkish attacks on the areas of northern and eastern Syria, its occupation of the Syrian territory, its effects on the region that enjoyed security and stability ,the economic situation, the ongoing Turkish threats, and the political solution in Syria. In general, the administration's view of the solution in Syria."

 Finland cut its military relations with Turkey following the attacks

 Fener al-Kait also referred to the Finnish government's position on Turkish attacks on the northeastern regions of Syria, saying: "The Finnish Foreign Minister made it clear that the Finnish government condemned the attacks of the Turkish occupation from the early hours, and that Finland has been cut off Its military relations with Turkey following the attacks."

Al-Kait referred to the issue of ISIS mercenaries and their families in the northeastern regions of Syria during the meeting, and explained "We have made it clear that we have more than 8,000 children and more than 4,000 women, apart from ISIS mercenaries, and that they belong to more than 53 countries, including Finland, and we have indicated that this suffering is an international," he said.  An international solution must be found for them."

Al-Kait stressed that the Autonomous Administration has made clear the need for radical solutions to the file of ISIS mercenaries and their families. As they continuously called from the beginning the world countries to receive their nationals, and said: "Unfortunately many countries did not respond to these appeals, others responded very shyly, and we made it clear "The number is huge, we have handed over less than 10% of the number of children to their countries so far. We stressed the need to find urgently a solution to this thorny issue in our region, and to pressure those countries to receive their nationals."

  Finland supports the formation of a special court to prosecute ISIS

Al-Kait noted that the Finnish Foreign Minister supported the formation of a special court to try ISIS mercenaries, saying: "We explained our point of view to the Finnish government and asked for help from the legal and technical aspects, and that this trial be transparent and public for mercenaries to receive their just punishment." 

He noted that during the meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister, the Autonomous Administration delegation discussed the humanitarian situation and the situation of displaced people in the northern and eastern regions of Syria. We said that we are in a period of siege amid the economic crisis that is ravaging Syria in general, and we asked to put pressure on the humanitarian organizations that suspended their work within the region after the Turkish attacks, to provide assistance again to the displaced and to communicate with the administration ."

Fener al-Kait confirmed that the Finnish Foreign Minister promised to convey the demands and discussions that took place between the two sides during the meeting to the concerned parties, friend countries, and the European Union's members.

"The Finnish Foreign Minister wished to continue with the meeting," he said. Diplomatic communication between the two sides." Diplomatic relations between the Autonomous Administration of the North and East of Syria and Finland have developed following the visit of finland's ambassador and envoy to the United Nations, Josie Tiner, on December 22, 2019, for the region, and the receipt of two Finnish ISIS children  by receipt document signed in the circle of foreign relations between the two sides.