Free Women’s Union in al-Shahba denounce occupation, Turkish threats to Afrin, north Syria

Free Women’s Union of al-Shahba in Afrin canton have denounced Turkish threats to north and east of Syria , stressing that it aims to thwart the democratic project, demanding the international community and human rights organizations to put pressure Turkey to end its occupation of Afrin and northern Syria.

Free Women’s Union in al-Shahba denounce occupation, Turkish threats to Afrin, north Syria
16 January 2019   13:03


Condemning the attacks of the Turkish occupation army and its mercenaries on Afrin canton on the first anniversary of the Turkish aggression on Afrin, Free Women’s Union of al-Shahba in Afrin canton released a statement to the world public opinion in front Ahras District Council.

And read the statement amid the gathering of dozens of Councils administrators and communes districts of al-Shahba canton of all components, and representatives of the National Democratic Alliance in al-Shahba. Raising the flags of Free Women’s Union and pictures of women and children who were victims of the Turkish occupation attacks on Afrin.

The statement was read by the administrator in Free Women's Union of Rehab Jabo:

She said:

"Since 2016, the fascist Turkish state and its mercenaries have been attacking al-Shahba canton s’ districts. Through its fascist actions, Turkey has sought to occupy areas of al-Shahba , such as Jarablus, Azaz, al-Bab and others, and its inhuman practices of killing, abducting women and the elderly and children, displacing and changing the region's demographics and plundering its wealth, and the adoption of Turkification policy, the violation of human rights standards.

Not only that, but targeted the city of peace, "Afrin", which was a refuge for all components of the Syrian people to escape the terrorist organizations  such as IS and its sisters of mercenaries supported by Turkey, not only occupied Afrin and the killing and displacement of its people, but went to Erdogan's ambitions to occupy the north and east of Syria through the launch of recent threats towards that region.

These threats are aimed at obstructing the progress of Syrian Democratic Forces SDF in the elimination of IS mercenaries, calling on the terrorist and mixing the papers again to obstacle the democratic nation’s project  which derived from the ideology and philosophy of the international Abdullah Ocalan, and an intensive isolation imposed on the leader since the beginning of the Syrian crisis ,and launching of the revolution in North Syria is only one of a series of plots on the peoples of the Middle East in general to undermine their will.

The occupation of al-Shahba and the city of peace Afrin and committing massacres against the people is a continuation of the international conspiracy on democratic nation’s project, which is the solution to all conflicts in Syria.

And we in Free Women’s Union of al-Shahba and all components condemn all conspiracies against the people and leader Abdullah Ocalan and isolation will be destroyed by the free will of women and the will of people who believe in democratic thought and His justice and we will escalate from our resistance and our activities till destroying the Imrali system.

We are al-Shahba canton’s women, we condemn and strongly denounce the Turkish and fascist threats and violations. We call on the international community and human rights organizations to put pressure on the Turkish state to grant leader Ocalan’s freedom and all political detainees and remove Turkey from North Syria.

Freedom for leader Abdullah Ocalan

Freedom for all political detainees

Long live free women."
