Kongra Star played key role in unifying women's ranks

Over the past few years, Kongra Star has managed to unify and organize women in the cities and regions of North Syria. It will also form a general coordination in the north and east of Syria.

Kongra Star played key role in unifying women's ranks
15 January 2019   06:04


Kongra Star, known as Star Union at the beginning of the revolution, it was founded on 15 January, 2005, where it undertook to organize women and restore women's status after years of deprivation of rights, Kongra Star became a basic umbrella for all women and the main incubator of the women of North Syria after their liberation from ISIS.

After the women's revolution in Rojava, Star Union has developed to be Kongra Star in 2016. It has expanded its activities in al-Jazeera, Kobani and Afrin. During 2018, the seventh conference was held in the presence of representatives from all regions which liberated lately, and delegations from Europe and Basûr Kurdistan.

Avin Swid the official spokesperson said "Kongra Star aims at educating and organizing women from the social, political, cultural, legal and economic aspects, in order to rebuild a free political and moral society within the framework of the Democratic Autonomous Administration project and self-organization for women in this project,"

Arab women have an important place in Kongra Star

Kongra Star was established in Arab-majority areas such as Tel Koçer, Tel Hamis, al-Hol, Manbij, al-Shadadi, al-Tabqa, al-Raqqa, Ain Issa and others. It also opened a center for women in these areas in addition to awareness sessions for women liberated from IS hands, through lectures.

Avin Swed added "Thousands of Arab women took part in Kongra Star and began to play their leading role in organizing their ranks,"

What did Kongra Star do in 2018?

During the Turkish attacks on Afrin, the women at Kongra Starr began to participate with the fighters in confronting the attacks. They also participated in the aid of the residents. Not to mention the participation of women from al-Jazeera and Kobani areas in this resistance through delegations that supported Afrin residents.

After the departure of the people of Afrin from the canton as a result of the Turkish occupation, Kongra Star began to restructure itself in al-Shahba and managed to organize the ranks of women living in the camps of al-Shahba through the formation of councils and women's communes within the camp.

Diplomatically, several women's delegations from the European, Arab and Kurdish countries had visited Rojava, after organizing a campaign "Women, Revolt for Afrin" on 2 February 2018 to support Afrin residents.

Kongra Star launched on 10 November 2017 a campaign to lift the isolation imposed in the leader Ocalan and demanded to release him, the second campaign began on 15 February, and the third on 5 August 2018, under the slogan: "We pledge to destroy the Imrali system and live freely with our leader. "

Forming General Coordination of north and east Syria

Following the success and the serious steps taken by Kongra Star over the past few years to organize and unite women, it will work next year to form a general coordination point in north and east Syria so that women in all regions to be able to play their role in organizing society and building a free moral society.

She concluded "We will work to form a general coordination in north and east Syria, women in north and east Syria have a place in this coordination, so we can unify our ranks more."