They demand Ocalan's freedom because he gave them freedom

A number of Kerbawi town’s women pointed out that what had given to women by Ocalan, no power or systems were able to offer. He urged women to struggle to come to light after total darkness. They said that the aim of the Turkish state of isolation is to destroy the will of the free people.

They demand Ocalan's freedom because he gave them freedom
12 July 2018   03:17


The Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Ocalan was arrested on February 15, 1999 in Kenya as he was taken by a private plane to Turkey, and taken to a Turkish military base in the north-west area of Banderma the following day, and from there to the island of Imrali in Marmara Sea. Turkey prevents him for more than two years to meet his family and lawyers.

In this regard, the reporter of Hawar news agency (ANHA) interviewed a number of women from Kerbawi town who noticed that the plot did not reach its goal, and that the conspirators managed to arrest Ocalan physically but his thought remained free.

The citizen Bedria Mohammed Awed from Beni Saba clan said, “Isolation is a criminal act and condemned by all standards, and the government of Justice and Development must stop its policy of creating strife among the peoples."

The citizen Mezgin Mahmoud said, "The Turkish state violates the international laws and norms by imposing isolation on the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan."

For her part the citizen Fatima Hassen said, "More than two years have passed on the isolation imposed on Ocalan so we, as women, will not accept this isolation because the right that Ocalan gave to women has not been given by anyone."

At the end of her speech, Fatima stressed that they will not stop the activities that demand the freedom of Ocalan and lift the isolation imposed on him.