Hawar news agency center's Plan 20-4-2018

Hawar news agency center's Plan 20-4-2018
20 April 2018   01:00

- Follow up the latest developments on the Resistance of the Age shown by People and Women Protection Units (YPG, YPJ) and the people of Afrin in the second stage against the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries.

- Follow up all the events, demonstrations and sit-ins that took place in order to support the Resistance of the Age in Afrin which denounce the Turkish aggression on it in North Syria and the world (accompanied by photos and videos).

The Democratic Society Movement in Tirbê Sipîyê district organizes a solidarity march to support the Resistance of the Age in Afrin at 5 pm in front of the headquarters of Kongra Star.(accompanied by photos and videos).

His eyes were always full of hope, and on his face the features of power always seemed to be filled with smiles that had always been a factor in spreading the spirit of joy and happiness among the surrounding crowds, Hawger Qahraman, who took part in putting the cornerstone of the revolution was and still is one of its symbols.

Osman Sheikh Issa called Afrin's people not to be dragged behind the fabrications and lies of the Turkish media to return to Afrin, and said, "How do we trust an army and mercenaries destroyed Afrin ? (accompanied by photos and videos).

A number of people from Girgê Ligê district stressed the need to unify the Kurdish ranks to face the threats of the Turkish state. (accompanied by photos and videos)

The residents of Afrin in Berxwedan camp(resistance) in al-Shahba canton have ignored the failure of the international opinion about the suffering of their situation in the camps without caring for their affairs and working to secure their supplies and provide humanitarian support for them(accompanied by photos and videos)

- A number of al-Hasakah women expressed their anger on the isolation imposed on the leader of the Kurdish people Abdullah Ocalan, and said: "This isolation will not impair our attachment to the thought of Ocalan and philosophy." (accompanied by photos and videos).
- A number of Arabic women in al-Shahba canton denounced the deliberate demographic change by the occupied Turkish state in Afrin canton and described it as immoral and out of international standards. (accompanied by photos and videos)..

Society and Life

- Farmers in the eastern countryside villages are suffering from the shortage of water coming from the Euphrates dam through the irrigation channels because of the low water level cut by Turkey. (accompanied by photos and videos).

- The construction institution in the democratic civil administration of al-Tabqa area and within the various projects that it launched to benefit from the coordinated materials to be recycled and converted into usable materials by opening a workshop for the manufacture of metal chairs. (accompanied by photos and videos).

- The Turkmen component is preparing to open an association in Manbij city, with the aim of reviving folklore and teaching Turkmen language again ( accompanied by photos and videos).


- Iskenderun Banner occupied and eliminated from the new Syria to join the Turkish territory after an international game in favor of Turkey after the Sykes-Picot agreement, after which Turkey would officially announce the annexation of the banner to Turkish territory exploiting the circumstances of World War II.