Afrin , al-Shahba cooperate to gother for srevice Afrin 's refugees

Hefi Mostafa said that they organize their councils in al-Shahba canton in 4 areas to serve Afrin 's people and humanitarian organizations do not move till now to provide assistance.

Afrin , al-Shahba cooperate to gother for srevice Afrin 's refugees
25 March 2018   07:23


AFRIN - The Democratic Autonomous Administartion of Afrin canton and People Protection Units (YPG) and Women Protection Units (YPJ) have announced on 18 March that their war against the Turkish occupation entered a new stage is the transition from the war of direct confrontation to a hit-and-run tactic to avoid targeting civilians by the Turkish occupation so that they have left their homes in Sherawa district and Afrin canton .

Afrin's Autonomous Adminstration organizes its work to serve Afrin 's people in al-Shahba .

The councils and members of the Democratic Autonomous Administration to Afrin canton  together with the al-Shahba canton 's council are organizing and providing for the needs to Afrin's people who are existing in al-Shahba canton  The members of Autonomous Administeation to Afrin join the four areas of "Favin, Ahras, Kafrnaya and Tel- Refa'at  in al-Shahba canton to service refugee 's Afrin .

Hawar news agency (ANHA) held an interview with the co-chair of the Executive Council in Democratic Autonomous Administration to Afrin canton Hefi Mostafa which praised the great resistance shown by the people of Afrin to all the conditions they have experienced and still suffer from to their homes after liberation.

After arriving to al-Shahba canton all the members of the self-administration and its councils met to organize themselves again among the al-Shahba 's canton people work on preparing the camps for displaced people, distributing bread, aid and water, through activating service committees for health, municipalities and others."

 Hefei noted that the Afrin and al-Shahba Council cooperate and hold the responsibility of the people, but unfortunately the existing possibilities are weak and the humanitarian situation of the displaced is very tragic in the absence of any humanitarian or relief organizations to aid tens of thousands of displaced people.

At the end of her speech, the co-chair of the Executive Council in Democratic Autonomous Administration of Afrin canton Hefi Mostafa said that they, as members of Autononmous Adminstration councils of Afrin, are in charge of ensuring the various needs of the people and that they organize meetings for the residents to explain the latest situation and to emphasize their stand with the civilians.
