Afrin IDPs decry intervention of Qatar Red Crescent in building settlements  

Afrin IDPs in the Shahba condemned the crimes, policies and demographic changes of the Turkish occupying state with several others, notably the " Qatar Red Crescent," in Afrin, occupied by Turkey and its mercenaries since 2018.

Afrin IDPs decry intervention of Qatar Red Crescent in building settlements  
14 June 2024   06:44

Afrin IDPs in al-Shahba told ANHA's agency about the continuing demographic change in the occupied Syrian territories, including Afrin, after the publication on its sites of the Qatar Red Crescent, of information indicating that it had completed the construction of 13 settlements in the occupied Syrian areas, specifically in the north of the country.

IDP from the occupied village of Bulbul in the countryside of Afrin, Fatima Daoud, which built the Turkish occupation in its 7 settlements, commented on the continued construction of settlements, saying: "The Qatar Red Crescent, in cooperation with the Turkish State, is building settlements with a view to demographic change.

IDP from Afrin, Roshin Sinoe from the town of Mubata, agreed with her predecessor that the construction of settlements was intended to change the demographics of the region. She noted that the talk about the construction of settlements in order to accommodate the IDPs is baseless, noting that they were displaced as a result of the Turkish occupation of those areas and to settle strangers in the areas from which they had left.

Hassan Hassan, IDP from the occupied town of Sherawa in Afrin, said: "The Qatar Red Crescent is clearly their goal with Turkey to eradicate the Kurdish people, through the demographic change of our Kurdish regions," and called on international legal actors to set up commissions of investigation and accountability for the perpetrators of these crimes and put an end to these violations in occupied Afrin.

For his part, IDP called upon the town of Rajo, Hassan Osman, to hold accountable "the Qatar Red Crescent, as well as the Kuwaiti associations active in their occupied areas in Afrin. He said: "The Red Crescent and a number of Kuwaiti institutions must be held accountable for their cooperation with the Turkish State in changing the identity of Afrin, and we call upon the legal parties to act immediately to put an end to these violations in the occupied Afrin."

T/ Satt.