YPJ: Liberation of Kovan represents painful blow to ISIS

YPJ Media Center spokeswoman Rokan Jamal confirmed that the units’ liberation of the Yazidi Kufans from al-Hol camp has great meaning for the units that pledged to avenge the Yazidi women, and at the same time she stressed that the units will continue their quest to liberate all women from dark forces.

YPJ: Liberation of Kovan represents painful blow to ISIS
7 February 2024   11:44

The Internal Security Forces completed the third phase of the “Humanity and Security” operation, on Tuesday, which the forces launched last January 27, led by the Women’s Protection Units and in support of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with the aim of eliminating ISIS cells inside al-Hol camp.

In an interview with ANHA agency the spokeswoman of YPJ's Media Center Rokan Jamal said : “There was an urgent need and necessity to launch the third phase of the “Humanity and Security” operation, and one of the most prominent results of this operation was the liberation of A Yazidi woman from the mercenaries who kidnapped her several years ago."

Rokan explained that the young Yazidi woman who was rescued by the Women’s Protection Units on Sunday (February 4) from the hands of ISIS mercenaries, “had been suffering for 5 years here in al-Hol camp, as the mercenaries were pressuring her not to reveal her identity."

Rokan confirmed that the liberation of the young Yazidi woman named Kovan Edo Khorto from the village of Hardan in Shingal from ISIS mercenaries is a matter of pride for the Women’s Protection Units (YPJ).

Rokan touched on the use of women by ISIS mercenaries and cells to spread extremist ideas inside al-Hol camp, and said: “Unfortunately, this role is assigned to women, especially in ISIS women section to spread extremist ideas, and this is a clearly visible danger. We tried to deter this danger by carrying out such these operations.

Regarding the role of YPJ in the third phase of the operation, Rokan confirmed: YPJ played an effective role in protecting women from the evils of ISIS cells, while the other role was liberation women of oppression.”

Rokan stressed that their struggle will continue to liberate all Yazidi women who are still kidnapped by mercenaries.

Rokan referred to the crimes taking place in Afrin, Sere Kaniye, Azaz, Al-Bab, and occupied Jarabulus, and stressed that the units will continue their efforts to free and liberate all women from the dark and occupying forces."
