SDF captures ISIS mercenary in rural Deir-ez-Zor

The Syrian Democratic Forces arrested a mercenary from ISIS cells in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, and confirmed that they would spare no effort in pursuing the mercenaries.

SDF captures ISIS mercenary in rural Deir-ez-Zor
22 February 2024   20:35

Today, the Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces issued a statement revealing the arrest of an ISIS mercenary in Deir ez-Zor, which stated:

“Our forces, the Syrian Democratic Forces, have recently intensified their security operations against the hideouts and members of the terrorist organization ISIS, and were able to arrest dozens of members of what remained of its sleeper cells.

On Wednesday, February 21, the Anti-Terrorism Units (YAT) of our forces, in cooperation with the International Coalition Forces, carried out a security operation aimed at arresting a member of the ISIS terrorist organization in Deir ez-Zor canton/Albu Netil village.

The operation took place, with the support and monitoring of the international coalition forces, as our forces raided the hiding place of the terrorist called (Hussein Nawaf Al-Hussein), a member of the ISIS terrorist organization, and arrested him.

The terrorist (Hussein Nawaf Al Hussein) was working to carry out terrorist operations targeting security and stability in the region and targeting civilian and military institutions.

Our forces caught the terrorist:

- Smartphones: 4 phones.

- Kalashnikov weapons: number /1/.

- Hand grenades: one grenade.

- A quantity of Kalashnikov ammunition.

  - Cameras: one camera.

- A number of personal documents and proofs.
