New request to meet with Leader Abdullah Ocalan

Leader Abdullah Ocalan's lawyers submitted a new request to the Turkish authorities to meet with their client, that no information has been received since March 2021.

New request to meet with Leader Abdullah Ocalan
30 November 2023   14:37

The lawyers Ibrahim Bilmez, Radia Ozturk, Imran Emekji and Cengiz Yürkli from the Al-Asr Office requested the Republican Prosecutor’s Office in Bursa and the Imrali Prison Directorate to meet with Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the detainees Omar Khayri Kunar, Hamili Yildirim and Weysi Aktaş.

The Turkish authorities reject requests submitted by lawyers and families of detainees to meet with their families.

Lawyers visit the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Imrali Prison Directorate twice a week to meet with them, but their requests are systematically left unanswered.

The Turkish authorities banned lawyers from meeting with Leader Abdullah Ocalan for another six months, without revealing the content of the decision. Under the pretext of “security,” according to what the lawyers announced on October 20.

Since March 2021, no information has been received about Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who has been detained in Imrali prison since 1999.
