KCK congratulates Gêrîla participated in revolutionary operation

The KCK congratulated the fighters of the People Defense Forces and the Free Women’s Units - Star who participated in the revolutionary operation of Martyr Dogha Viyan, and stressed that they showed once again that they have the strength and skill to defend Kurdistan against the occupation.

KCK congratulates Gêrîla participated in revolutionary operation
22 February 2024   13:19

The Co-chair of the Executive Council of the KCK issued a statement about the revolutionary operation of the martyr Dogha Viyan, which reads:

"On February 17, 2024, fighters from the People’s Defense Forces (HPG) and the Free Women’s Units - Star (YJA-Star) carried out an operation against the Turkish occupation army in the resistance square, Judi Hill, of the Martyr Dalil, west of Zap, in the legitimate defense areas, under the name of Martyr Dogha Viyan Operation. Yesterday, the Central Command of the People's Defense Center made a statement to public opinion. The freedom fighters of Kurdistan once again dealt a strong blow to the Turkish occupation army through the revolutionary operation, Martyr Dogha Viyan. We salute this successful operation that was carried out within the context of the revolutionary operation, Martyr Doga Viyan."

And added: "We recalls once again all the martyrs of democracy and the revolution with great respect and gratitude, and we bow in reverence before their memories, and we renew our pledge of loyalty and victory to the martyrs. The Gêrîla Freedom Forces of Kurdistan, through the Martyr Dogha Viyan revolutionary operation, demonstrated their approach to the truth of the martyrs and the extent of their devotion to the memory of the martyrs."

Noting thar: "With this operation, the Gêrîla forces demonstrated once again that they have the strength and skill to defend Kurdistan against the occupation, and the entity of the fascist Justice and Development Party and Nationalist Movement (AKP-MHP) government is shaking in the face of the Gêrîla operations, but despite this, the government of the Justice and Development Party and the National Movement hides its defeat and is unable to say it, as the government of the Justice and Development Party and the National Movement lies so much that it no longer knows what to do and how to act in the face of what is happening."

And also called: "Turkey's intellectuals and conscientious and responsible journalists must tell society about the truth about the Justice and Development Party and the Nationalist Movement, and enlighten society with the facts, their policies are nothing but a disaster for Turkey and its people, and the anti-Kurdish policies of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) government and the National Movement cause the greatest harm to Turkey and its people. Therefore, it must be clarified where their policies led Turkey."

At the conclusion: "We have also previously announced that the Peshmerga should not approach the positions of the Turkish army, and we repeat this warning again. All forces, especially the Peshmerga, must stay away from the Turkish occupation army and its positions, and no one should stand by the policies of the AKP government, the fascist Nationalist Movement and the Turkish state."
