ISIS terrorist disguised as woman arrested and tunnels found in Al-Hol camp

The forces participating in the third phase of the “Humanitarian and Security” operation found tunnels and mines and arrested an ISIS terrorist disguised as women in the migrant sector.

ISIS terrorist disguised as woman arrested and tunnels found in Al-Hol camp
28 January 2024   10:32

The Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria, with the support of the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Women's Protection Units, launched on January 27 the third phase of the "Humanitarian and Security" operation within the Al-Hol camp, southeast of Hasaka, after the activity and movements of ISIS mercenary cells increased within the camp.

 Director of the Media Center of the Syrian Democratic Forces, Farhad Shami, told ANHA agency, "The third phase will continue until its goals are achieved," without specifying a date for its end.

He continued: "The first day of the operation was very important, and we were able to arrest a man disguised as a woman in the migrant sector, which is forbidden to men, many tunnels and mines were also found."

Shami stressed that: “Al-Hol Camp is no less dangerous than Al-Sina’a Prison. We have previously warned the world that It is a time bomb that could explode in the next stage."

Shami pointed to the escalation of ISIS activity during the past 2 months, saying: “In the past 2 months, ISIS has escalated its activity inside Al-Hol camp, especially after the killing of the mercenary leader, Abu Ubaid al-Iraqi, who was organizing ISIS cells in the camp, after he tried to use weapons against our forces.”

He added: "After the killing of Abu Ubaid al-Iraqi, ISIS cells inside Al-Hol camp wanted to move and take revenge for him, they are also trying to appoint a new leader and hide him among the women and children so that he can move, carry out operations, hatch plans in the camp, and revive ISIS.”

Regarding the migrant women’s sector, in which combing operations began yesterday, Farhad Shami said: “The migrant women’s sector is dedicated to spreading the ideas of ISIS and its ideological and intellectual system. This sector is considered their extremist infrastructure, as it houses women linked to ISIS and includes large numbers of children who have been raised, trained, and thirsty for ISIS ideas.”

Shami warned of the emerging generation of mercenaries: “The way children move and attack with stones and the way they make their toys from swords and tools of war proves that there is a great danger in the future, If this mentality is not eliminated, we and the world will face a new generation of ISIS.”
