HPG's Media Center publishes results of Revolutionary Operation

The People's Defense Forces announced the killing of 37 Turkish soldiers, during the revolutionary operation of the martyr Doga Viyan in Zap, in the Mediya Defense areas, and published a statement on the details of the operation, and confirmed that it was carried out in response to the international conspiracy that targeted the leader Abdullah Ocalan.

HPG's Media Center publishes results of Revolutionary Operation
18 February 2024   18:02

The statement was published by the Media Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG), in which the center mentioned the details of the revolutionary operation, the number of Turkish occupation soldiers killed, the false claims spread by the occupation, and information about military equipment that was destroyed and others that were seized.

During the statement, the center announced the martyrdom of the fighter, Sharfan, after the heroism he showed in the face of the Turkish occupation

A statement from the Media Center of the People's Defense Forces (HPG) stated the following:

“On February 17, at 12:50, the revolutionary operation of the martyr Doga Viyan was carried out against the occupiers who had stationed themselves in a strategic basic in the resistance square in Judi Hill, in the area of the martyr Dalil, west of Zap. In the revolutionary operation that began with the attack tactic, they were targeted. Enemy positions from several axes, destroying and seizing the positions, and soon the professional force of the operation, which attacked the enemy in the spirit of liberation, seized the base square from the occupiers, headed towards the bodies of the occupiers and seized the weapons, and after seizing the grenades and B-7 shells belonging to the occupiers, They were used against the occupiers, and in addition to the weapons seized, the entire base square was burned, including the occupiers' equipment, tents, and containers belonging to them.

The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla fighters, who headed toward the bodies of the occupation soldiers, confirmed that a total of 37 Turkish occupation soldiers had been killed. At the same time, they confirmed that among the occupiers who were killed was an officer with the rank of captain and lower-ranking officers. Our forces also seized Some equipment of occupation officers.

Destroyed military equipment

During the revolutionary operation of Martyr Doga Viyan, 15 sites, 7 containers, an ammunition depot, a communications center, a control point, two A4 weapons, a grenade launcher, two radar systems, and 5 surveillance cameras were completely destroyed.

Captured military equipment

Our forces seized 8 MPT-55 weapons, 8 MPT-55 magazines, 5 BKC automatic weapons, a spare barrel for a fully automatic BKC weapon, 1 grenade launcher weapon, 3 grenade launcher weapons, and a sniper weapon. Bora brand with its magazine and equipment, a B-7 launcher, 2 rocket launchers, a pistol, 8 surveillance cameras, 4 night sights, a day sight, 11 weapon sights, 2 indicators, a large radio and its battery, 4 radios, 2 grenade launchers, 3 flashlights, 3 camera traps, 2 solar panels, 2 security camera systems, 7 portable chargers, a telescope, a rechargeable battery, a military helmet, 2 power adapters, 3 phones and a military bag.

The rise of a fighter as a martyr

In the revolutionary operation of the martyr Doga Viyan, our heroic comrade Sharvan participated in a sacrificial spirit, fought courageously and rose to the rank of martyrdom.

"The Turkish state makes false allegations"

The Turkish occupation army was subjected to a very strong blow and suffered heavy losses in the Martyr Doga Viyan Revolutionary Operation. All their forces and leaders present on the hill they were using as their base were killed. Weapons and ammunition were seized, and the remaining equipment in that place was burned and destroyed, and despite the fact that the occupation army suffered heavy losses, but did not make any statement for hours, then stated that only one soldier was killed and another soldier was wounded, and made unfounded allegations that 6 and then 8 Guerrilla fighters rose to the rank of martyrdom.

First of all, the Turkish people and public opinion must know that the Martyr Doga Viyan revolutionary operation resulted in the death of 37 soldiers who were sent to the war trenches of the Guerrilla forces in winter conditions in order to implement the war policy of the fascist AKP and MHP regime and serve their interests, no matter how the fascist regime of the Justice and Development Party and the National Movement Party, which is responsible for this situation, tried to hide the truth and show it in a different way with lies, but the truth is like this, as a violent war is taking place in Kurdistan, and the truth of this war has been shared with public opinion with documents before, and from now on from now on, war documents will also be shared. In this revolutionary operation, contrary to the claims, we did not suffer 8 losses among our forces. Our comrade Sharfan fought bravely and rose to the rank of martyr. Other than that, we do not have any losses or injuries among our forces, and this is the truth.

“The revolutionary operation was carried out in response to the international conspiracy.”

The revolutionary operation of Martyr Doga Vien was carried out in response to the February 15 international conspiracy against leader Apo, which was a black day in the history of our people, in its 26th year. Our people, our comrades in prisons and freedom fighters, by waging great resistance for 25 years, frustrated the international conspiracy. The goal of which was to eliminate Leader Ocalan and the Freedom Movement and commit genocide against the people of Kurdistan, as the revolutionary operation of Martyr Doga Viyan shows the extent of the continuation of this historical resistance, while the freedom fighters of Kurdistan have sufficient experience, determination, and strength to carry out all their duties and responsibilities in the twenty-sixth year of the conspiracy.
