German police attack Kurds and their friends

In the German capital, Berlin, the Kurds and their friends are trying to hold a mass event against the ban imposed on the Kurdistan Workers' Party, but German police surrounded the activists, stopped dozens of cars, and arrested many people under the pretext of wearing Kurdish uniforms or carrying ribbons bearing the colors green, red, and yellow, and pictures of the leader Ocalan.

German police attack Kurds and their friends
18 November 2023   18:20

Meanwhile, the Kurds and their friends are gathering in the German capital, Berlin, to hold a mass event, in order to go out in a massive march and then gather under the slogan, “Lift the ban on the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, strengthen democracy.”

According to the reports received, the German police are striving to prevent the event from taking place, and have arrested many people. Some sources report that the German police taking these measures carries with it a deliberate provocation, and suspicions are growing that the German state promised Turkish President Erdogan yesterday to prevent this event. Whatever happened.

The police attack and try to disperse the crowds

The event, which was scheduled to begin in Berlin at 11:00, is being targeted and attempts are being made to prevent it, but the activists are determined to go out in the scheduled march despite the police assaults, attacks, arrests, and detentions. It has been reported that German police officers are carrying out these practices that resemble “terrorism.” Since dawn, they closed many streets, stopped dozens of activists' cars, and arrested many of them under false pretexts.

It was also reported that a number of people wearing Kurdish clothing were stopped and were not allowed to reach the event venue. A woman was arrested for wearing a T-shirt bearing a picture of the leader Abdullah Ocalan. The activists were attacked by the police under the pretext of the presence of green, red and yellow flags in the square, and the police confiscated these flags.

Activists wait for the arrested crowd

The activists gathered in the event square insist on holding their event despite all the pressures, so they are waiting for the arrival of the large crowd arrested by the police. The march will begin as soon as this crowd reaches its starting point, and will later turn into a 2-3 km march to a mass meeting.

What is noteworthy here is that this country witnessed many activities in solidarity with Palestine, but despite this, such a large number of policemen were not sent to the sites of the events and did not suppress them in this way, and once again it turns out that the meeting with Erdogan carries within it hidden hypocrisy, and indicates the government’s disregard. German newspaper about Erdogan’s actions and policies when the issue concerns the rights of Kurds and Kurdistanis for their participation in the same goals and attacks. It is possible that Germany is implementing this ban and preventing this march at the request of Erdogan.

T/ Satt.