Final statement of Astana turns blind eye to Turkish genocide against Syrians

The 21st round of Astana meetings on the Syrian file concluded with the issuance of a final statement that turned a blind eye to the Turkish occupation and attacks on Syrian territories.

Final statement of Astana turns blind eye to Turkish genocide against Syrians
25 January 2024   15:54

The 21st round of Astana meetings began yesterday with the participation of Russia, Iran, and the Turkish occupation state, the activities of this round ended today with the issuance of a final statement read by the Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan, Alibek Bakiyev.

The statement indicated that the meeting reviewed the situation in the world and the region, and criticized the Israeli operations against the Hamas movement in Gaza, without mentioning the war of genocide launched by the occupying state against Syria.

In general, the statement spoke about the importance of restoring relations between the Damascus government and the Turkish occupation.

It also touched on the so-called Constitutional Committee, claiming that they would support the completion of its work, in addition to the statement stating that the parties discussed the situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone, and talked about ensuring sustainable normalization in this region.

The statement said that these countries stressed the importance of preventing the expansion of the armed confrontation zone, and indicated that it was agreed to hold the 22nd round of Astana meetings during the second half of 2024.

Following the meeting, the head of the Damascus government delegation, Deputy Foreign Minister Bassam Sabbagh, claimed that they stressed “the necessity of eliminating all terrorist organizations, ending the foreign military presence in Syria, and committing to respecting Syria’s sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity.”
