Belgian writer calls for support of PKK: countries renounce their principles in favor of interests

Belgian writer Ludo de Brabender praised the PKK's ideas on democracy and gender equality as positive developments that must be defended, noting that countries, especially Europe, classify the PKK as a terrorist organization because it abandons its principles and laws in the interests of intellectuals, politicians and writers around the world to work to remove it from this list, saying: "You cannot build a democratic society in the presence of injustice and violation of rights."

Belgian writer calls for support of PKK: countries renounce their principles in favor of interests
30 November 2023   03:01

On November 27, 45 years ago, the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), led by Leader Abdullah Ocalan, was arrested by Turkey for more than 25 years.

Despite the efforts of some international forces with a colonial background to halt the PKK's struggle by classifying it as a terrorist organization, as well as the arrest of leader Abdullah Ocalan as a result of an international conspiracy, these endeavors have so far failed, as many political figures and forces around the world believe in the party's thinking and show solidarity with it.

"We must defend him with all our hearts and souls."

In this context, ANHA agency, the Belgian writer Ludo de Brabender, spoke: "The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) began the armed struggle because of the suppression of Kurdish identity and the impossibility of protecting the rights of the Kurdish people, identifying itself in its founding statement as a movement of the democratic nation and a revolutionary movement aimed at obtaining self-determination and liberation of the Kurdish society."

The Belgian writer praised the ideas of the party and leader Ocalan, saying: "The thinking of leader Abdullah Ocalan of the confederacy rejects the concept of a nation state and offers a solution to the Kurdish people's homeland with the idea of a decentralized confederacy. At the same time, it seeks to implement democracy, gender equality and pluralism, which is a positive development and which we must defend from all our hearts and souls. "

"States renounce their principles and laws in the interests of"

Referring to the fact that Kurds had been victims of geopolitical tricks for years, Brabender stated that it was only for that reason that they should look at the agreement concluded by Sweden and Finland with Turkey under the auspices of NATO. Ludo de Brabender noted that they wanted to turn the Kurdish issue into one of terrorism, saying in this regard: "Some countries are ready to sacrifice their legal system in favour of Turkey so that Turkey accepts their accession to NATO."

Writer Brabander noted that Belgian courts had removed the name of the PKK from the "terrorist list" and said: "Many courts in Belgium have determined that the PKK is not a terrorist organization in order to remove the Kurdistan Workers' Party from the European Union terrorism list, 3 million signatures were collected in the campaign supported by European politicians and personalities, Nevertheless, the EU continues to refuse to remove the PKK from the terrorist list and sacrifice it for geopolitical interests but they will also see one day that the PKK can play an important role in reaching a political solution and lasting peace in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, as long as the PKK remains on the terror list, there will be obstacles to the political resolution of the Kurdish issue. "

"You can't build a democratic society if there's injustice."

In conclusion, he called on intellectuals, politicians and writers to carry out their duties in order to remove the name of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) from the terrorist list, and said: "There are duties for journalists, academics and civil society organizations to protect human rights, international law and moral standards. In order to remove the Kurdistan Workers' Party from the terrorist list, they must have the message that; Respect for human rights, especially for the rights of the Kurd, is essential for achieving a lasting and just peace. You cannot build a democratic society in the presence of injustice and violation of rights. "

Who is the Belgian writer Ludo de Brabander?

He works as a teacher at Artville University, and is the author of several books, including "When NATO Preaches Emotion" (2009), "Unlimited War" (2016), "Kurdish Utopia" (2018), and "Away from War - About Militarism and Anti-Militarism" (2019).

T/ Satt