Ain Issa people: revolutionary people’s war will thwart greedy' plans

The people of Ain Issa district stressed the importance of the revolutionary people's war in light of the aggressive attacks the region is witnessing by the Turkish occupation state, and the inevitability of consolidating the principle of defense to protect the gains of the revolution, and thwarting any attack aimed at occupying more Syrian territory.

Ain Issa people: revolutionary people’s war will thwart greedy' plans
24 February 2024   03:32

Despite the attempts by the Turkish occupation state, its agendas in the region, and its policy of special war to win over weak souls; In order to destabilize the region and undermine its security, but its malicious attempts were of no use; Due to the Syrian people’s awareness of what is being plotted against them, and their sense of defending the land, and not leaving it to greedy people.

The importance of the People's Revolutionary War has recently emerged as a result of the continued aggressive attacks of the Turkish occupation state, its destructive policy, especially the destruction of vital public facilities, and attempts to incite the Syrian people to create chaos in preparation for new pretexts to occupy more Syrian lands.

Citizen Malik Al-Saleh, IDP from the occupied town of Suluk and residing in the Ain Issa district, explained: “In light of the aggressive plans the region is witnessing hatched by colonial countries conspiring against our people, the importance of developing self-defense and the revolutionary people’s war, and the people’s solidarity and support of our forces in protecting the region is highlighted.”

While citizen Farhad Shukry stressed that the revolutionary people’s war is sufficient to thwart any attack aimed at occupying the region, stressing its strengthening through the cohesion of the peoples and support of the forces defending the land, clinging to it and not leaving it an easy prey for the occupiers, and steadfastness in the face of the plans.

He pointed out that the people who lived within the revolution in NE Syria have the capabilities that can be employed within the framework of consolidating the concept of defense and protection.

He also stressed the readiness "for any emergency by organizing according to the revolutionary people's war to confront the enemy, and the necessity of self-development by learning defense methods and becoming familiar with all types of weapons practically and theoretically, to be able to defeat the aggressors and liberate the occupied territories."
