73 Turkish attacks on NE Syria and hundreds of villages and cities without water and electricity

Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria revealed the toll of the Turkish attacks on the region, and considered the attacks a war of extermination, and confirmed that the will of the people will defeat the Turkish fascist state.

73 Turkish attacks on NE Syria and hundreds of villages and cities without water and electricity
15 January 2024   12:47

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria held a press conference in front of its center about the Turkish attacks on NE Syria, in the presence of the co-chairs of the Executive Council of the administration and the co-chairs of the bodies.

The statement was read by the co-chair of the Executive Council of the Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, Hussein Al-Othman, in Arabic, while the co-chair of the Executive Council, Brevan Khaled, read it in the Kurdish language.

Al-Othman said at the beginning of the statement, “For years, the Turkish occupation state has been carrying out a war of genocide against our regions and is adopting aggressive behavior towards our peoples, flouting all international laws and norms, and has committed war crimes against humanity many times. These barbaric attacks launched by the Turkish aggression are not based on any justifications and does not take into account any customs and laws. With its aggression, it follows a scorched earth policy and destroys the region to make it a historical hotbed of conflict that will last for decades, as was the case with the Ottoman Empire and the successive governments of the fascist authority in Turkey.”

The statement added, "It is the Syrian national duty and the moral and humanitarian duty of all active forces in Syria and human rights and humanitarian organizations and bodies to realize the dangers of these attacks launched on our regions, their negative consequences, and their local and regional effects, this aggression, in light of the siege and terrorism that threatens the region and the entire world and stifles opportunities for solution and stability, is nothing but an approach of extermination and destruction, It is targeting the values and morals of the international community in the geography of our regions that are fighting terrorism and trying to end it, and targeting Syria’s unity and sovereignty in the geography of NE Syria and its service institutions.”

The statement stated the outcome of the Turkish aggression since the twelfth of January until the date of preparing this statement, according to the statistics collected, which amounted to 73 attacks, which are:

*The Turkish occupation army launched 7 air attacks on oil stations, according to the General Administration of Oil and Hydrocarbons, targeting 5 sites, as follows:

Al-Swaydiya station in the Derik area was targeted by more than 10 missiles during an air strike, causing significant damage to the station.

The Oda oil station in the Tirbespiye district was targeted by 3 air strikes.

The Tafila refinery station in the Derik area was targeted by 2 air strikes, causing major and severe damage to the refinery and putting it completely out of service.

The Gire Pri refinery in the Tirbespiye district was bombed, causing major damage to the refinery.

The Turkish occupation army also bombed warehouses for maintaining the oil fields and the electricity station in the town of Rimelan in the Derik region.

*Regarding to power transmission stations, the Turkish occupation army launched 7 air strikes, according to the Energy office, and they were as follows:

Kobani: The Turkish occupation army launched 2 raids on the power station, resulting in a power outage to the city and more than 400 villages.

Ain Issa: The bombing resulted in a power outage to the center of the district, in addition to more than 250 villages.

Amuda: The bombing resulted in a power outage in the city and 90 villages.

Tirbespiye: The bombing resulted in a power outage in the city and 190 villages.

Qamishlo: Electricity transformers and stations were subjected to repeated bombardment, resulting in a power outage to more than 70% of the city, in addition to the city’s countryside.

Al-Darbasiya: The electricity transfer station in the district was bombed this morning, resulting in a power outage in the district and the surrounding countryside.

*The Turkish occupation army also targeted 5 checkpoints belonging to the Internal Security Forces, 3 of which were in Jazera CANTON, and 2 in the Ain Issa district, according to Interior Ministry data.

The Turkish occupation army's bombing in the NE Syria also targeted 45 civilian facilities and homes during the past 48 hours.

The Turkish occupation army's bombing of the NE Syrian region also resulted in the injury of 6 citizens, 2 in the Amuda district, and 4 in the Al-Darbasiya district, according to Health Body data.

The Turkish occupation army also bombed, with heavy artillery, the countryside of Tal Tamr district, the countryside of Manbij city, and Shahba district, without any news received about the extent of the damage caused by the bombing so far.

Today, the Turkish occupation army also bombed 7 villages in the Zarghan district of Jazera Canton.

The Autonomous Administration affirmed in its statement, "The Turkish occupation state will not achieve its goals through these aggressive attacks, because the will of our people, from whom we derive our strength, are sufficient to thwart all plans and policies hatched against our regions."

The statement called the “resisting people of the region” with all its components to continue to express their positions regarding the aggressive policies pursued by the Turkish occupation state against our regions. The response of our people was clear through their participation in the funeral ceremonies of the martyrs and going out to the squares to reject these attacks, and for this we must raise the level of our struggle and resistance against the massacres and destruction committed by the Turkish state against our peoples and regions.”
