Solidarity is only way to repel targeting NE, Syria

The Religious Council in the Euphrates region indicated that the sabotage operations that took place recently in Deir ez-Zor are a dangerous plan behind which some forces stand behind which it is not in their interest for security and stability to prevail in the region, as they played on the tribal tension, calling on the components of the region to rally around their military forces and defend Their gains in the spirit of community.

Solidarity is only way to repel targeting NE, Syria
27 September 2023   22:02

The co-chair of the Religious Council in the Euphrates Region, Abdul Rahman Shawkat, spoke to ANHA's agency after the recent events that took place in the Deir ez-Zor countryside, and the attempt of some parties, most notably the Turkish state and parties in the Damascus government, to stir up strife among the people of the region, by organizing armed groups of mercenaries and sending them to fight the Syrian Democratic Forces.

Abdul Rahman Shawkat said: “The sabotage operations that took place in the recent period were a dangerous plan behind it by international powers whose interest is not for security and stability to prevail in our regions, so they are quick to stir up strife through their agents to incite disputes between the people of NE, Syria, and in order to achieve their goals, they played on the tribal string.”

He continued: “God created human beings equal without any difference between colour, gender and language, so God Almighty wants all human beings to respect each other and cooperate in adversity, and this is what is happening in NE, Syria, where all the components of NE, Syria have united alongside their forces to defend their land.” and its gains in the spirit of community.”

Shawkat saw that whoever wants to occupy this land will find that the solidarity and cohesion between the military forces defending its people and all components and sects poses a threat to his colonial plan, so he promotes through his poisonous ideas that there are problems between the people of the region,” wondering, “Where were those who claim to be sons of The clans when ISIS/ Daesh mercenaries were violating the honor of those areas and slaughtering their people in full view of everyone?

Shawkat pointed out: "When they failed in the war they declared against the people of the region, through their support for ISIS/Daesh mercenaries, who began playing the religious string after the massacres they committed against us in the name of religion, they began with a new tune in the name of the clans, so that they might achieve their goals."

He said: "But they are wrong. The blood of the Kurds, Arabs, Syriacs, Assyrians and Turkmen has mixed on this land, and no one will be able to sever this spiritual connection that the Most Gracious God has blessed on this land."

The co-chair of the Religious Council in the Euphrates Region, Abdul Rahman Shawkat, called on the people of the region who live a safe shared life to preserve their privacy, and to be careful and wary of the enemies of the region who follow the method of the divide and rule system in their war against any geographical spot where peace prevails, and not to be drawn into slogans. The resonance is for those who do not care if a Kurd or an Arab loses his life. Therefore, everyone must defend the unity and soil of this country, citing the Qur’anic verse: “And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression.”

Shawkat concluded his speech to ANHA's agency by saying: "Everyone must realize the trick that is being played against them. Our enemies do not want peace for us. Rather, they want the region divided and its people weak and dispersed, fighting among themselves so that they can control the region easily."

T/ Satt.


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