Hawar news agency plan 9/25/2023

Hawar news agency plan 9/25/2023
24 September 2023   20:00

A field commander in the Tal Tamr Military Council said that their forces thwarted the attacks by the Turkish occupation mercenaries that were launched since the beginning of this month, and that their forces have become experienced in how to protect against aerial bombardment and deter attacks with new and advanced methods. (video and photos attached).

Instead of correcting its mistake, 6 years ago, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK) held a referendum, and instead of achieving the gains for the Kurds and preserving what existed, they put them in the wind in the blink of an eye. They demolished what had been achieved with blood over the years in a matter of hours. The Kurds lost what was above. The land and what is within it, and this is what has put the gains in the rest of Kurdistan even at risk.

Participants in a training course introducing the contents of Jionlogya spoke about their experience and called on all individuals to join these courses. (Video and photos attached).

The Saudi Crown Prince's statements about the imminent official normalization between the Kingdom and Israel renewed talk about the effects of that normalization on regional issues, at the heart of which is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Will the situation in Palestine and the region in general be affected by this?