​​​​​​​Politician: SDF thwarted Turkish plans and eliminated strife

A member of public relations in the Green Idlib Council confirmed that the Syrian Democratic Forces and the components of NE, Syria foiled the plans of the Turkish occupation state to attack the Autonomous Administration project, and to attack security and stability in the region in general.

​​​​​​​Politician: SDF thwarted Turkish plans and eliminated strife
14 September 2023   23:31

Member of the Public Relations Office of the Green Idlib Council, Ahmed Al-Shawa, explained: “The recent Turkish occupation attacks, from the media promotion to the military attack and attempts to ignite strife in Deir ez-Zor, are inseparable from the permanent Turkish threats towards the state of stability and the democratic project in NE, Syria.”

Ahmed Al-Shawa explained that when the Turkish occupation state was unable to ignite the fire of strife in the region through its tools and media, it began launching attacks against the people of the region in Girê Spi/Tal Abyad, Serêkaniyê/Ras al-Ain, Ain Issa, and Manbij, attack after attack. He said: "Turkey always aims to create a state of instability in order to achieve its goal of destabilizing the security and stability of the region."

Ahmed Al-Shawa confirmed that: “The Syrian Democratic Forces, in cooperation with the people of the region, were able to overcome the strife and undermine its plans. This fierce military attack was overcome through two things: the first was not being drawn into the strife, and the second was solidarity that occurred at all levels.”

Shawa stated: “We saw a state of clinging to the land and defending achievements and gains, in addition to not being drawn into the sedition that brought down the factor of the conspiracy that was being worked on by all the local and regional parties that are hostile to our project, most notably the Turkish occupation state.”

Shawa explained: “Victory does not come out of nowhere, and victory in record time indicates the extent of the state of awareness that institutions, parties, national figures, and tribal components were able to work to create, as a national state that expresses the cohesion of the social fabric, and also expresses the state of civilizational and cultural diversity of the components of our people.”

Al-Shawa stressed that the Syrian Democratic Forces made sacrifices in order to defend the regions of NE, Syria, confronted the external attacks carried out by the Turkish occupation state and its mercenaries, thwarted its internal plans in Deir ez-Zor, and eliminated strife.

Ahmed Al-Shawa stated that: “The Autonomous Administration project, the Syrian Democratic Forces, and the Internal Security Forces, and the rallying of all components of the people in NE, Syria around them, constituted a unique case and could provide the nucleus of the solution project in Syria.”
