Al-Khalil calls on Damascus to play its role in defending the country

​​​​​​​Secretary-General of the New Democratic Development and Change Party, Ibrahim Al-Khalil, urged the people to realize the danger of Turkish plans, and called on Damascus government to do its duty in defending the country.

Al-Khalil calls on Damascus to play its role in defending the country
13 June 2022   04:04

Turkish occupation state continues to launch its attacks on north and east Syria, in different ways and methods, between air attacks via its drones, and ground attacks with artillery and missile shelling.

Secretary-General of the New Democratic Development and Change Party, Ibrahim Al-Khalil, sees the escalation of Turkish occupation state threats and the escalation of its attacks against the peoples of NE Syria, as a continuation of its ambitions represented in the revival of Ottoman Empire.

About the pretexts of Turkish occupation state to enter Syrian territory, he said, "It wants to occupy more Syrian lands, under the pretext of establishing a "safe zone" in NE Syria, with a depth of 30 km, under the pretext of protecting its "national security."

Al-Khalil noted the need for Syrian people to be aware of the seriousness of the plans pursued by Turkish occupation state on Syrian lands, through the pretexts it invokes.

Al-Khalil urged the peoples of the region to persevere in the face of these constant threats and attacks, and said: "Their ambitions have crystallized in the regions of Syria and northern Iraq, Turkish occupation state exploited the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war and the international conflicts in order to launch its attacks and impose its hegemony on Syrian territory."

At the conclusion of his speech, Al-Khalil called on "Security Council and human rights organizations to break their silence and take the necessary measures to deter the Turkish occupation state," sending a message to Damascus government "to do its duty to defend the country's borders."
