​​​​​​​ Al-Bayati: Peoples' belief in unity of destiny is basis for thwarting Turkish penetration plans

 The Turkish occupation state, with the participation of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, launched attacks on Southern Kurdistan after a visit by the Prime Minister, Masrour Barzani, to Turkey.

​​​​​​​ Al-Bayati: Peoples' belief in unity of destiny is basis for thwarting Turkish penetration plans
23 April 2022   23:21
 Newsdesk- Yahya Al Habib

The Turkish occupation state and the Kurdistan Democratic Party continue to try to expand their areas of occupation in Southern Kurdistan and implement the so-called Milli Charter, at the expense of the peoples of the region.

In this context, the Turkish occupation army, in partnership with the Kurdistan Democratic Party, has launched massive attacks on the legitimate defense areas since the dawn of Monday. The PM, Barzani, visited Turkey on the 15th of this April, and met the President of the Turkish occupation state, Recep Tayyip  Erdogan and its intelligence chief, Hakan Fidan, at Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul.

 Gradual gnawing and a Turkish desire to find areas of influence inside Iraq

The Turkish occupation state has more than 40 military points and bases in Southern Kurdistan, and some of these points are close to Hawler, the capital of  Kurdistan Region and the Soran region, in addition to its large base in Bashiqa, which is about 80 kilometers from the border and 40 kilometers to the northeast of Mosul.

 These bases, especially the Bashiqa base, shows that the Turkish targets extend deep into Iraqi territory, where the borders of what the Turks call the "Mille Charter".

Observers believe that the establishment of the Turkish bases and points is a gradual erosion that started with fourteen bases and now these numbers have exceeded.

According to the so-called Milli Pact, Turkey is working to control the entire area of ​​Mosul, which, according to the Turkish strategy, includes  Hewlêr, Sulaymaniyah and Kirkuk, in addition to parts of Syria extending from Aleppo to the Syrian-Iraqi border, including parts of Aleppo, Raqqa and Hasaka.

The so-called "Mille Charter" is the map on which Erdogan relies in his expansion projects, whether in Iraq or Syria.

In this context, Assistant Professor of Constitutional Law at Al-Mustansiriya University in Iraq, Dr. Wael Al-Bayati, commenting on the Turkish attacks, said that "Turkey wants to create areas of influence inside Iraq at various levels, economically, politically, socially and even militarily."

Barzani was informed of Turkey's intention to attack

Al-Bayati linked the Turkish attacks to the visit of the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, to Turkey, saying: "Masrour Barzani had previously welcomed in his recent visit what he described as Turkey's efforts to support the stability and security of northern Iraq, and his quest to expand the areas of bilateral cooperation, which may suggest that he has been informed about Turkey's intention  In the attack on the northern regions, although no official statement was issued confirming or denying these suspicions, especially with the lack of hard relationship between the regional government and the fighters of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, which may be one of the justifications for the regional government’s disregard for the increase in Turkey’s military activity and its lack of objections to it.  .

 Iraqi government and political silence

Al-Bayati criticized the position of the Iraqi government led by the intelligence man, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, saying: “Unfortunately, the performance of the caretaker government in such issues bearing the nature of necessity and urgent need to take quick decisions, it always faces a very slow reaction, and this explains the government’s silence despite the passage of a period of time without issuing even a statement denouncing or condemning the act.

He added, "As for most of the political forces, they have remained silent about the explicit violation of the sovereignty of Iraqi territory, as they do not want to antagonize the Turkish state in light of negotiations over the form of the next government. Ankara has a major role in bringing out the scenario for its formation in cooperation with regional and international actors in the Iraqi scene."

 Belief in the unity of destiny is the basis for confronting the Turkish attacks

On the possibility of confronting Turkish plans, Dr. Wael Al-Bayati said: “The belief of the peoples of northern Iraq and Syria in the unity of their destiny remains essential in the face of military attacks against their lands, and working to join efforts, is the only way to thwart the schemes of penetration of Turkish influence, and work to compel the Turks to end the legislative mandate  its forces in northern Iraq, and that its military strikes and the claim of confronting terrorism should not be an excuse to settle scores with its political opponents.”
